Apple iPhone 5 is plagued by purple flares in photos

Image of the iPhone 5 camera

Image of the iPhone 5 camera Apple and their newly released iPhone 5 is getting a lot of publicity. Unfortunately, it is not for the usual reasons. Apple has been unofficially labeled as the benchmark of all smartphones in the past years. That is the reason why there are so many blogs detailing how X phone fares against the Apple iPhone.

The iPhone 5 is certainly a technological marvel in its own right. It is a great achievement for the company in terms of weight and size. The display finally increased in size without compromising the quality of the images. It is highly tricked out so the phone outruns other phones in benchmark tests and gaming quality. The iPhone 5 is certainly an upgrade from an older iPhone. It just doesn’t feel much of an upgrade from other smartphones in this era.

An example of a purple flare under normal lighting Despite how much work and effort Apple claims they have put into the development of the new iPhone 5, it seems an awful lot of quality control was missed. The new device apparently sold more and had more demand than any of the iPhones in the past, but it also is the most problematic iPhone in Apple’s history.

In another classic case of Steve Jobs’ infamous “you’re holding it wrong”, Apple support has once again billed a clear hardware error as something “normal”.

Discriminating users of the new iPhone 5 has identified an issue with the phone’s camera. The Camera apparently shows some purple shaded flares when taking some white lit photos. Most of the time, it happens when the photos are taken from a certain angle, where the light hits the lens diagonally from the front.

A comparison shot of the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 4 capability to handle flare Flares are normal indeed when taking photos in brightly lit environments or simply taking photos with a bright light source in the photo even for a professional camera. In fact, light flares are used artistically by professional photographers in their line of work.

The problem is, when a bright, white light is used for a flaring effect, it is expected that the flare will be white, or something very close to white, not the Barney colored effect the new iPhone 5 camera produces. The purple haze can ruin a perfectly good shot.

Tests taken by other users with their older iPhones fail to replicate the issue, so the purple haze is definitely linked to the iPhone 5 camera. The issue has been linked to the sapphire camera lens cover on the new iPhone 5. Once the light hits it at the right angle, the purple hue of sapphire is applied to the photo taken.

Low light examples where the purple flare is still evident Some users claim that the issue might be fixed by a software update that will allow the processor to calculate and compensate for the purple hue to normalize the resulting image. The problem here is that Apple refuses to see it as an issue. They consider the purple flare as a normal occurrence on the iPhone 5 camera.

We can expect this level of quality on a cheap phone with low quality camera, not from a phone worth $800 and heavily marketed as the most perfect thing in the world. In fact, they even glorify the camera in the keynote, claiming it to be better than any smartphone camera in producing exact colors. I guess our eyes are just light the wrong way, then. Regardless of the cause, Apple suggests we avoid taking pictures with lights.

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