Baidu set to release own version of mobile Web broswer

Baidu Web browser

Baidu Web browser China’s most used search engine, Baidu, has released their version of Web browser for Android, further giving Android users a new way to surf the Web on their devices.

Though Baidu is considered as the most popular search engine in China’s vast market, the company lags behind its rivals UCWeb and Tencent with regards to expanding their business to mobile devices.

Being the most populated country in the whole world, China also has the biggest number of Internet users.

Baidu said that their latest mobile Web browser can support fast Internet access and downloads and enables users to run Web-based applications. The company said that they will also create a cloud computing center for those who use mobile to access the web more than their desktops or laptops.

The company has majority of usage when it pertains to search engines in China with a 78.6% market share. Google on the other hand has only 15.7%. This figures come from research firm Analysys International.

According to Baidu Chairman Robin li, “The cloud-supported mobile Internet is the focus of the next wave of innovation.

538 million Chinese went online as of the end of July. This figure is up 11% from the previous year.

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