No more passwords for free downloads in Apple App Store


Apple has decided to give its iOS users a break after the company decided to make it more convenient for them to download free apps.
The tech firm has disabled password input for apps that don’t require premium payment. A Reddit user recently tried this within Apple’s latest operating system, the iOS 6 beta version.

According to “varmanj”, users can download free apps from the Apple app store without inputting their passowrd information. This is a truly welcome development, as it makes app downloading easier and faster. But this can also prove problematic as this could easily make downloading easier if you lend you iOS device to a peer of yours. Uninstalling them could be a difficult activity.

Killian Bell of Cult said that this will work on app users who have previously snagged from the app store and new apps. This update is the second major tweak by Apple to the security settings of the app store. This works for iOS 6 for redownloading premium apps and updating installed apps.

This means that password input will only be required when you purchase an app from the Apple app store.

Do you think that this update can be good for you as an iOS user?

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