The Dark Knight Rises game released by Gameloft


Game developer Gameloft has released a new game coinciding with the theatrical release.

The Dark Knight Rises game by Gameloft can now be downloaded by followers of the movie franchise. Gameloft has developed a game for both iOS and Android users.

An official from Gameloft said, “Dozens of missions plus random events will make you feel all the thrill of being a superhero. Deal with hostage situations, bomb squads, jailbreaks and car chases to prove that you’re the true protector of Gotham.”

Fans of Batman will be treated to a marvelous game, just like the fans of Hearthstone were thrilled to play the new expasions. Gamers will have access to the cape crusader’s full inventory, including Batman’s vehicles and choice of weaponry.

The Dark Knight Rises game has a size of 1.8GB for both Android and iOS devices. So make sure to free up some space in your device.

The Dark Knight Rises film is the third installment of the Christian Bale starred Batman. It is rumored to be the final movie for the franchise.
Batman’s nemesis for the film is the powerful Bane.

Reviews of the film have been mixed, but the majority said that it was excellent.

So if you’re one of those who want to experience battling evil with bare hands and exceptional gadgets, make sure you download The Dark Knight Rises!

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