Run your own airline with Pocket Planes app


Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to be in Sir Richard Branson’s foot or even Malaysian tycoon, Tony Fernandes? These two have been toying with airplanes and have been successful for years.

Now, you can run your own airline and make decisions such as the ones that the last two made with Pocket Planes.

Pocket Planes, a game developed by NimbleBit, enables you to run your own airline. Released a few days ago, it can run both on the iPhone and the iPad.

Pocket Planes is highly addictive. Players need to select a region of the world, where their airline will fly, and select cities for their first routes. Initially, your newly created airline can only use small planes, which you use to carry both passengers and cargo to and fro’ their destinations. As you earn money and gain experience, you’ll be able to unlock busier airports, larger airplanes and a number of options.

Pocket Planes has a lot of depth and requires a strategy for you to be successful in this game. You have to learn how to squeeze your limited resources to turn your young airline into a big one.

Try Pocket Planes and see how addicting it can get!
