Xbox 720 with better Kinect 2, according to leaked report


Rumors are abound regarding Microsoft and their development of their new Xbox console. The latest one was reported by The Verge, stating that the latest console by Microsoft could be retailed at $299 and that it comes with Kinect 2 to be released sometime in 2013.

The developmental stages for the so-called Xbox 720 were reportedly started way back in 2010 and had features such as Metro Dashboard, Xbox TV apps and a SmartGlass.

The Verge said, “Microsoft rounds off the document with a promised price point of $299 with its Kinect 2 hardware and a prediction of a 10-year lifecycle with more than 100 million units sold.”

Other features for the Xbox 720 include concurrent apps, additional sensor and peripheral support, native 3d output and glasses and a Blu-ray support.

According to the report, the best improvement to come with the Xbox 720 is its Kinect gaming accessory. The report included higher accuracy, stereo imaging, improved voice recognition, improved RGB camera, dedicated hardware processing and support for our-player tracking.

The Verge said, “The Kinect accessories idea appears to be one that is not designed to replace controllers, but will allow devices to interact with the sensor. Microsoft’s plans for four-player Kinect gaming reference carnival, darts, and basketball games as a broad way to use the new tracking.”

Are you anticipating for Kinect 2 and Xbox 720?

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