Application Trends that Will Turnup The Mobile Industry in 2012


This article was contributed by Alia Haley.

New Trends in Mobile Industry

Every year we get to see a different trend for the mobile device industry and the mobile application development. While 2010 saw the rule of the smartphone, 2011 marked the advent of tablet PC, mobile devices and related apps. There is a now greater scope for mobile advertising and location-based services. We present here our predictions of the mobile application and app marketing development trends for this year.

Demand for business applications

The recent trends indicate that the spotlight in 2012 will be on serious business applications. A majority of the business people, nowadays, are hooked onto their smartphones and high end mobile devices to save time and multitask. There has been a huge increase in the total number of business apps download which has resulted in a good deal of revenue for apps stores, developers and marketers. Application development will be pretty high this year as more and more consumers are demanding high-end utilities. The gaming apps will continue to be popular but the real focus will be on social networking and content sharing.

Applications for mobile payment

Mobile consumers now use their mobile devices to make online payments. Credit cards and debit cards have taken a back seat after the introduction of mobile wallet. Many banks have started offering mobile payment options to the customers and this trend will continue to grow this year too. Companies now prefer to use custom made enterprise business apps. Hence there are immense work opportunities for enterprise app developers and companies. There is parallel development in the mobile security industry too to cope up with the recent trend.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the latest ‘in’ thing and it seems that everyone is hooked to it. Majority of the industries have started offering cloud-based services. There is a huge demand for such services and 2012 will probably see the creation of a large number of cloud-based app providers and third party cloud sync providers. There are some concerns regarding security and it seems that developers need to be very serious about mobile security and related issues when it comes to cloud-based enterprise apps.

Location-based applications

Location-based applications and mobile content sharing are becoming more important nowadays than before. Almost every enterprise is using social network monitoring tools to build brand image, learn all about consumer behavior and sell the products and services. The latest mobile devices support GPS and therefore location-based content will be beneficial to the mobile advertiser and mobile marketer.

Unique mobile applications

The major app stores are full with millions of mobile apps of various types and categories. Any app developer will find it very difficult to make his app stand out from the hugely crowded market of every conceivable type of app market. So the developer must offer something unique but at the same time it must be easily understandable, usable and engaging. There is a sudden demand for Microsoft windows phone apps which has created a new market for the developers. The trend of new apps is steadily growing and is expected to boom in 2012.

About the author: Alia Haley is a tech freak blogger. She has a weak side for gadgets and bikes. Recently an article on Apple iMac attracted her attention. Beside this she is busy in writing an article on Free Android Applications.