Facebook to sue Mark Zuckerberg



Well, kind-of.

See, an Israeli entrepreneur by the name of Rotem Guez has legally changed his name to Mark Zuckerberg back in December 7.

“I’ve had a flooding of phone calls, as well from people I haven’t seen for years. The people I did talk to think it’s a mad idea, but take it with a smile,” the new Zuckerberg wrote to L.A. Times.

Now then-Guez has a company called Like Store that sells fans to brands and gathers Facebook “likes” to these brand pages. After ignoring a warning from Facebook in September asking him to take down his company, he might be facing a lawsuit after the social networking site sent him a cease-desist letter on December 14.

Guez-now-Zuckerberg told the L.A. Times that he did the name change on purpose. “I wanted that once they sue me, they’ll face suing ‘Mark Zuckerberg,'” he said.

Talk about weird. And creepy. 😉