Kindle Fire Sales Hit 95,000+ on Day One


Kindle Fire Sales Hit 95,000 on Day One! The Kindle Fire, Amazon’s latest gadget to hit the web, sold roughly 95,000 units on the first day of pre-order. According to statistics gathered by eDataSource, the Kindle Fire outstripped sales of the other three new Kindle units combined. They also estimates that sales of the other new Kindle units totaled approximately 25,000 units during the same period.

Folks who provide accessories often rake in the profits when fancy new devices are sold, and in this case 27% of Kindles were sold with some kind of accessory, and Marware protective covers were by far the most popular accessory for the Kindle Fire.

In case you are wondering who eDataSource is, they also covered statistics when the iPad was launched and estimated close to what Apple actually sold on the first day.

I don’t have the Kindle Fire to review, but I wish I did. When I do, I will post it on this site.


  1. […] in one day Has anyone seen this? Kindle Fire Sales Hit 95,000+ on Day One | TechNewsGadget I wondered how many units were pre-ordered on the first day and how that stacked up with other […]

  2. […] in one day Has anyone seen this? Kindle Fire Sales Hit 95,000+ on Day One | TechNewsGadget I wondered how many units were pre-ordered on the first day and how that stacked up with other […]

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