New iMacs defective straight out of the box



Imagine being very excited on waiting for that new iMac to arrive, and the thrill opening that shiny new box – only to find out that the one have defective? Bummer right?

That’s what some are experiencing now according to several press. Apple’s new iMacs based on Intel’s Core i7 platform have been arriving with cracked LCD screens, and some even inoperable.

Tech blog Engadget was one of the many who bought a DOA one. The iMac they had failed to even boot at all. Speculations point to the new Intel chip as the cause of the booting problem.

If you search through Mac boards across the web, the cracked LCD screen seems to be common too. The crack was usually found on the lower left hand corner and maybe be associated with the packaging itself since the boxes came undamaged.

As of this writing, no official word yet from Apple. According to reports on Apple’s own support forums, the company is estimating a two-week wait for the defective iMacs to be replaced.



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