Twitter seeks help from Google


With the increase in malware attacks targeted at Twitter and its users, the no. 1 micro-blogging Web site turns to Google for help.

Twitter is now using Google’s Safe Browsing API to block links to known malicious Web sites.

It was first noticed by F-Secure’s Mikko Hyponen yesterday who posted an article about it in F-Secure’s Web site. If a tweet has a link that is blacklisted by Google, Twitter disallows it by posting a notice that the tweet “contained a URL to a known malware site”.

Google’s Safe Browsing API is an application programming interface that enables client applications to check URLs against Google’s constantly updated blacklists of suspected phishing and malware pages. Through this API, Twitter can prevent users from posting links that lead to malware-infested pages.

Over the last six months, Twitter has been the target of a number of Trojan, worm and spam attacks as well as high-profile account hijacking.
