Hewlett Foundation bestows half a million grant to Wikimedia


Wow, the people from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation sure have big hearts!

Since 2001, the foundation has bestowed more than $100 million in grants to make educational materials available to all people for free. And they’re not stopping yet.

The nonprofit organization that runs Wikipedia has just received a$500,000 grant from the foundation to help the org expand its efforts to make educational information freely accessible.

In a statement released by Barbara Chow, director of the educating program at Hewlett, the foundation expressed their reason for choosing to bestow the grant on Wikimedia.

“The enormous popularity of Wikipedia and its collaborative premise make the Wikimedia Foundation an ideal vehicle for spreading the open educational resources movement,” she said.

The folks at Wikimedia are very grateful for the grant as this came at a “critical time” for the foundation.

“We’ve just begun the planning that will help us identify how to maximize our impact around the world,” the executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation Sue Gardner, explained in their own the statement. “This support will help us to execute our priorities for the current year, and enable us to plan for the future.”

Pretty cool of them huh? Let’s hope other multi-billion companies follow suit and share some too. 😉

Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10314609-93.html