It seems like Apple’s been on the limelight a lot this month, and it’s not all about good stuff either. Investigations on their exploding products, on their application approval process, and now, several lawsuits make it on Apple’s problem list.
This latest lawsuit is not the first nor the second one filed against Apple, and their U.S. carrier AT&T about their MMS service.
Deborah Carr, filing in the Northern District of Ohio, says that she was led to believe that multimedia messaging was already on the iPhone. She says the public were given false impressions through “print and video advertisements…on television, the Internet, the radio, newspapers, and direct mailers” which all mention the availability of MMS on the device.
According to the lawsuit, customers of the smartphone were told that MMS would be enabled with the release of iPhone OS 3.0 which was on June 17, 2009.
So how can this be when during Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference keynote on June 8, Apple and AT&T announced that MMS will be available to 29 carriers as soon as iPhone OS 3.0 is released, but will not be available until late summer for AT&T customers.
Probably because she didn’t pay attention that well? Oh wait, she did. Her lawsuit admits that she is aware of the notice in Apple’s website stating that support for MMS would be available from AT&T in late summer. However, suit says that the notice is a “mouseprint disclaimer” referring to the small font used.
So who do think should win?