A glimpse of Chrome OS? Screenshots emerge

Source: Mashable.com
Source: Mashable.com
Source: Mashable.com
Source: Mashable.com
Source: Mashable.com
Source: Mashable.com

These might be fake, or these could really be screenshots of Google’s Chrome OS. But whether real or not, this is still quite interesting.

These screenshots, which surfaced in the Web today, were sent from an “unfamiliar source” to Mashable.com. Whoever sent the pics claimed that they are offering glimpse of the operating system’s user interface.

The pictures show a very simple and minimal overall design, much like that of the Google Chrome Browser. At the top of the screen is a dock where users can access various programs and Google services like Gmail and YouTube.

No word from Google yet as to whether these are legit photos. We’re quite certain though that it’ll still be a long wait before the actual OS will be available in the market as it is slated to be released on the second half of 2010.

So what do you think?

Source: http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/20090817/tc_pcworld/isthisgooglechromeosnewscreenshotsemerge