Nationwide outages on Verizon 4G network


Verizon Wireless subscribers all over the U.S. have reported that they are having difficulty in connecting to the carriers 4G network.

Customers have been raving about the problem in Verizon Wireless 4G Forum in several locations across the nation. They’ve been reporting the loss of 4G network access while others complained about losing access to “1X” GPRS and 3G networks.

Verizon said that the network doesn’t have any problems with the 3G technology, voice and other data services but have admitted that they are having difficulty with their 4G LTE network.

Others users doesn’t have a problem with the network, but unfortunately a number of subscribers have been experiencing this type of problem intermittently. Verizon said that the issues have been occurring in a 24 hours span.

Verizon, through Twitter, assured their users, “We’re working to resolve some 4G LTE issues ASAP.”

Photo Credit/Screenshot by Eric Mack, CNET