Windows 8 to be released with pre-installed antivirus program


To protect Windows phone users in the world, Microsoft is going to pre-install an anti-virus software in all Windows 8 phones.

PC World reported that Windows 8 will is going to come with an upgraded version of Windows Defender. The latter is going to have antivirus functions to protect users and their smartphones.

PC World said, “Windows Defender now provides similar protection – and a similar look and feel – to that of the free Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus program, which Microsoft has offered to users as an optional download since 2009.”

This antivirus software will provide basic protection against viruses and malware.

Another feature that is likely one of the best is the SmartScreen filter. This is similar to Internet Explorer 9 that help detects and blocks potentially malicious programs.

PC World added, “The function complements IE’s website filtering, which works to block phishing and malicious sites. Starting with Windows 8, the program monitoring portion of the SmartScreen Filter is built into Windows itself, and it will work whether you’re using IE, Firefox, Chrome, or any other browser.”

Another feature that Windows 8 has is the “picture password.”

This uses a photo or image and requires the user to draw three gestures –circles, straight lines or taps/clicks – in different places.”

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