Updating Your Digital Security: 3 Places You Might Not Think About


When it comes to digital security, the first thing that usually comes to mind is protecting your computer. You’ve heard the horror stories about hackers getting into personal data and stealing people’s personal information, and so, like most people, you make sure that your computer is protected. However, there are other devices that are vulnerable to breaches that you may not be aware of.

Your Phone

Phones are one of the main targets of hacking other than computers. Yes, phones can be tapped and conversations intercepted. However, many people use their phones virtually the same way they do their home computers if not more. With so many business transactions taking place online, it is common for people to use their phones to make purchases. That means that your phones store just as much of your personal information as your computers and should be protected as well. If you notice that your phone is running very slowly, that your data usage has increased, or that you have unfamiliar apps, you should change your passwords immediately.

Gaming Servers

When choosing to play games online, it is important that you only deal with trusted sites so that your digital security isn’t compromised. Hackers can pose as anything nowadays in order to obtain access to your personal information. Hackers can use phishing techniques as a means of accessing your account passwords and other information. A lot of times, they will send bogus emails that appear to be from the company so that they may get your information. Some hackers go above and beyond the consumer and aim right at the company through methods such as denial-of-service, where they prevent customers from accessing the site. According to Host Havoc, Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) style of network attacks are more common than you’d think on unprotected game servers. Server hosting is a good way to help online gamers eliminate these attacks by keeping your server protected and running efficiently.

Smart TV

While this may be one of the last places you would think is vulnerable to cyberattacks, remember that Smart TVs are basically computers. Any device that you use to access the internet can be susceptible to cyberattacks and needs to be protected. Just like with your phone or computer, you should keep your Smart TV protected as well. If your TV has a webcam, make sure to keep it covered when it is not in use. This will keep hackers from being able to spy on you through the lens of your Smart TV. According to Thomas-Fenner-Woods Agency, Inc, you can also sometimes get special insurance that protects you from liability from cyber attacks through Smart TVs or other devices. It’s important to do things like these to protect yourself or your business from digital hackers.

As technology becomes more advanced, unfortunately, so do the hackers. Properly securing your devices and information requires you to be proactive so that you can prevent any issues from occurring. Covering device cameras, disabling your Bluetooth, and not accessing unfamiliar sites are all things that can help keep you and your devices hack-free.

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