#42 Speedrunner Breaks Impossible Super Mario Bros Record Time


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Meet Meltan, Pokemon Go’s Weird New Creature; Here’s What We Know

The Pokemon Company has confirmed that the strange, Ditto-like monster is a brand-new species of Pokemon called Meltan. In a new trailer the company shared, Professor Willow from Pokemon Go calls Professor Oak, the most prominent researcher from the main series, with news that Ditto masquerading as an unidentified Pokemon had been sighted recently. Oak says he recalls seeing the monster in ancient texts and that it’s a Mythical Pokemon known as Meltan.

Mark Zuckerberg Blamed for Instagram Founders’ Departure

On Monday, the founders of Instagram announced they were leaving to focus on new opportunities. To the surprise of no one, it’s looking like the problem was the CEO of Instagram’s parent company, Facebook. And with those meddlesome founders out of the way, users should worry about a Facebook-ified Insta.

Apple Alienates the World’s Second-Largest Smartphone Market

The iPhone X was a really expensive product in India. It launched at a base price of around $1,400 in India last year, way higher than the U.S. retail price of $999. In fact, India was the second most expensive country in which to buy an iPhone X, thanks to import duties and a weak currency. Not surprisingly, Apple lost its footing in India’s premium smartphone market last year. During the second quarter, the company’s share of premium smartphones in India fell to 13.6% compared to 29.6% in the prior-year period, according to Counterpoint Research. Apple has shipped 40% fewer iPhones in India during the first six months of 2018 as compared to a year ago, with OnePlus’ and Samsung’s phones occupying the top two spots thanks to a smart pricing-and-product strategy.

Speedrunner Achieves ‘Impossible’ Super Mario Bros. Record Time

The original Super Mario Bros. is tightly optimized, as far as speedruns go. Runners have been shaving off milliseconds using highly-skilled play and glitches, all in the hopes of someday reaching a theoretically perfect run. Previously, this was only achievable using special programs, but last night, a runner did what some people thought impossible, matching those computer-assisted performances with nothing but grit and skill.

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch

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