YoVille hacked!


Players of the popular YoVille have been airing their complaints on the company’s forum since last month due to cyber theft.

They have been reporting that their virtual items have been stolen and have not been returned while some player’s properties were completely stolen.

According to VentureBeat, the game has been hacked. Hackers have been disrupting YoVille’s gameplay for some 1,000 players during a certain span in April.

According to chief security officer of Zynga Nils Puhlmann, “We detected unusual activity in YoVille, and it coincided with reports from a small number of users. We analyzed the reports. We found that a small number of vulnerabilities that contributed to the unusual activity. The game team patched these vulnerabilities immediately.”

According to the report, the hackers only hacked games and did not breach the private and sensitive information of the players.

Puhlmann added, “Credit card numbers are not an issue here. It is more a case of YoVille players disrupting other YoVille players.”

YoVille was launched back in 2008 and is played through Myspace or Facebook. Players can create a character, design a house, host a party, earn virtual cash and chat with other players. It has a throng of about 1.5 million monthly users.

Image Source:teepeegmaes.com