British ISP makes surfing to porn optional


This looks like a great start that could lead to a revolution when speaking about porn protection from your ISP.

One of Britain’s ISPs, TalkTalk, is switching on its porn filtering software for all new subscribers. To enable users to surf porn sites, they have to choose to switch on to access this by informing the company.

This serves as a great deterrent for your kids to avoid entering this scandalizing websites.

Customers will have to reconfirm their decisions after every year. Unless a subscriber says that he wants this turned off, then TalkTalk’s HomeSafe filter will automatically block websites that features violence, gambling and porn.

This is the company’s action towards promoting their resolve for the young ones and their decision to do this pre-empts the government’s plan to make ISPs use filter as a default.

Some individuals call this censorship. Jim Killock of the Open Rights Group criticized this move by the government and the ISPs by saying, “We welcome a consultation but default filternets are awful. They block a wide range of innocent material; and nobody should be advocating broader and simpler censorship.”

While chief executive of TalkTalk Dido Harding disagrees and said, “Dreadfully slow to wake up to the fact that society as a whole cares strongly about this.”

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