Nokia earning more from Apple than from its Lumia phones


This sounds interesting.

Reports have been circulating that Microsoft has been earning more from licensing its products to Android makers compared to sales from their Windows Phone 7, Finnish company Nokia, according to reports, has been earning more from licensing its patents to Apple than sales of their own Lumia Windows Phone 7 devices.

The company has been reported to have lost money by selling their Lumia smartphones during the first quarter of this year. It has resulted in $1.7 billion total losses despite having released their new Lumia line.

The future looks bleak for Nokia. During the first quarter 2011, the company has sold about 108.5 million units as compared to this year’s 82.7 million.

But the company was able to earn about $600 million from Apple. The latter paid Nokia the amount due to a settlement in a patent licensing dispute that involves essential patents.

If the trend continues, the company would be better off selling its patents rather than banking on the sales of their handsets.

A year ago, Google paid $12.5 billion to acquire Motorola Mobility. The latter has been continually losing money developing its smartphone business.

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