Tajikistan government blocks Facebook, other sites


This is some news.

The Tajikistan government ordered all Internet service providers to block Facebook together with several websites in their effort to thwart critics of their president, Emomali Rakhmon.

The country’s president of the web-provider association said in a statement, “Internet providers received a spoken order from government agents to block the sites. We are minions. We get our licenses from the authorities and that’s why, as though we were circuit breakers, we are obedient and cut access to the sites.”

The first website targeted was the Zvezda website after they published an article entitled, “Tajikistan on the eve of a revolution”. This article analyzes the presidents growing autocratic moves.

Facebook was blocked most probably because of how it was used by the Arab protesters to topple down their governments and or regimes. While Twitter on the other hand still is active and is still being enjoyed by the public.

Facebook members are growing in the country. Though it’s still low in 29,000, the number is improving on a monthly basis. Its penetration in Tajikistan is at 0.39 percent in relation to the country’s Internet users which is at 4.15 percent.

Tajikistan is a former Soviet republic that borders Afghanistan and China.