URL-shortening service tr.im is resurrected


If Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, URL-shortening service tr.im happily did it in just two; reopening its Website and restoring its service on Tuesday.

Last Sunday, a goodbye message was posted in their Web site telling users that they have shut down because no.1 microblogging Web site Twitter “has all but sapped us of any last energy to double-down and develop tr.im further.”

They claimed that they were in a financial drain, finding it difficult to sustain network cost. Its parent company also failed in finding a buyer for the service.

Apparently, there’s still energy left on the URL-shortening service to make its parent company Numbu Networks decide to resurrect it. Today, they announced that they’re back in business although it long-term plans aren’t yet clear. A post on the tr.im blog now reads:

“We have restored tr.im, and re-opened its Website. We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the popular response, and the countless public and private appeals I have received to keep tr.im alive… Nambu will keep tr.im operating going forward, indefinitely, while we continue to consider our options in regards to tr.im’s future.”

Their blog however, still takes a bitter tone towards Twitter.

“Twitter has stacked the URL shortening business opportunity overwhelmingly in bit.ly’s favour, as twitter.com currently operates. This is not whining, as some have suggested, but a simple reality. If we post a link to this blog article by its title Twitter switches our tr.im URL to a bit.ly URL. bit.ly has a monopoly position that cannot be challenged with reasonable investment or innovation unless Twitter offers choice. This is a basic reality of challenging monopolies. bit.ly has deep personal connections and agreements with Twitter that we simply cannot compete with. And it is our humble opinion that this type of favoritism will become an issue for all Twitter developers.”

Hmmmn, I wonder what Twitter has to say to all of these?

Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/170039/url_shortening_service_trim_is_back_from_the_dead.html