Facebook introduces new privacy settings



If you haven’t signed in to your Facebook account today, you probably haven’t seen this notification yet. Don’t worry though, because everyone – that’s more than 350 million members – is getting the same too and yes, you are required to do something about it sooner or later.

“We care so much about this that we will require people to go through it to get access to the service,” Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s vice president of global communications, marketing and public policy told AFP.

“The idea is to evolve, to give users better control of with whom they share when they share.”

By this he means avoiding embarrassing (not to mention compromising) images and updates from your bosses, crushes, and all those people you want to impress. 🙂

With the new privacy tools, users can pre-determine who can access profile content and can also select privacy settings for each individual post using the lock icon next to “share” buttons on profile pages.

“Facebook has balanced more sharing with less of a chance people won’t realize who they are sharing with,” Future of Privacy Forum director Jules Polonetsky said of the Facebook privacy control change.

“No service or site has ever asked their users to go through this process; it is privacy by design.”

Source: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jfJ9mqAfRcxcSgDLB56Na5CSRvZw